화요일, 1월 7, 2025

과학자들은 ‘우주에서 가장 경외심을 불러일으키는 것 중 하나’인 거대한 은하단 내부의 조건을 재현하기 위해 196개의 레이저를 사용했습니다.


국가 점화 시설 기술자

기술자는 국립 점화 시설에서 일합니다. 과학자들은 196개의 레이저 어레이를 사용하여 거대한 은하단 내부의 뜨거운 가스와 유사한 조건을 생성했습니다.

실험은 클러스터를 뜨겁게 유지하는 미스터리를 해결하는 방법을 제시합니다.

은하계는 거의 혼자 살지 않습니다. 대신, 수만에서 수천 개의 물체가 중력에 의해 뭉쳐서 우주에서 가장 큰 물체의 거대한 덩어리를 형성합니다.

Don Lamb 명예 교수는 다음과 같이 말했습니다.[{” attribute=””>University of Chicago astrophysicist and co-author on a new paper published in the journal Science March 9, 2022—one that may point the way towards solving a decades-long mystery.

Scientists have long known that the hydrogen gas in galaxy clusters is searingly hot—about 10 million degrees Kelvin, or roughly the same temperature as the center of the sun—which is so hot that hydrogen atoms cannot exist. Instead the gas is a plasma consisting of protons and electrons.

Laser Experiment Target

The experiment focused the lasers onto a target the size of a dime. Credit: Photo courtesy of National Ignition Facility Operations team

But a puzzle persists: There is no straightforward explanation for why or how the gas stays so hot. According to the normal rules of physics, it should have cooled within the age of the universe. But it hasn’t.

The challenge for anyone trying to solve this puzzle is that you can’t exactly create these kinds of powerfully hot and magnetic conditions in your backyard.

However, there is now one place on Earth where you can: the most energetic laser facility in the world. The National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is able to create such extreme conditions—though only for a tiny fraction of a second in a volume the size of a dime.

Scientists from UChicago, the University of Oxford, and the University of Rochester worked together to use the National Ignition Facility—located in Livermore, California—to create conditions similar to the hot gas in gigantic galaxy clusters. “The experiments conducted at the NIF are literally out of this world,” said Jena Meinecke, who was the first author on the paper.

The scientists focused 196 lasers onto a single tiny target, creating a white-hot plasma with intense magnetic fields that exists for a few billionths of a second.

This was long enough for them to determine that instead of a uniform temperature, there were hot and cold spots in the plasma.

This dovetails with one of the theories that has been proposed for how heat is trapped inside galaxy clusters. Normally, heat would be easily distributed as electrons collide with each other. But the tangled magnetic fields inside the plasma can affect these electrons, causing them to spiral along the direction of magnetic fields—which can prevent them from evenly distributing and dispersing their energy.

In fact, in the experiment they saw that the conduction of energy was suppressed by more than a factor of 100.

Abell 1689 Galaxy Cluster

A Hubble Space Telescope image of a massive cluster of galaxies known as Abell 1689. Scientists do not fully understand how the gas inside such clusters stays so searingly hot. Credit: Image courtesy of NASA, ESA, the Hubble Heritage Team – STScI/AURA; J. Blakeslee – NRC Herzberg Astrophysics Program, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory; and H. Ford – JHU

“This is an incredibly exciting result because we’ve been able to show that what astrophysicists have proposed is on the right track,” said Lamb, the Robert A. Millikan Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus in Astronomy and Astrophysics.

“This is indeed an astonishing result,” added study co-author University of Rochester Prof. Petros Tzeferacos, who oversaw computer simulations of the complicated experiment. “The simulations were key to untangling the physics at play in the turbulent, magnetized plasma, but the level of thermal transport suppression was beyond what we expected.”

The simulations were done with a computer code called the FLASH code, which was developed at the University of Chicago and is now hosted at the University of Rochester’s Flash Center for Computational Science, which is led by Tzeferacos. The code allows scientists to simulate their laser experiments in exquisite detail before they do them, so that they can achieve the results they seek.

196 Lasers Experiment Computer Simulation

Computer simulations of the experiment showed hot and cold spots (indicated by color) forming around the target. Credit: Image courtesy of Yingchao Lu, University of Rochester

This is critical because the scientists only get a precious few shots at the facility—if something goes wrong, there’s no redo. And because the experiment conditions only last nanoseconds, the scientists have to make sure they make the measurements they need at exactly the right time. This means everything has to be precisely plotted out far ahead of time.

“It’s a challenge when you’re at the very extremes of what can be done, but that’s where the frontier is,” said Lamb.

More questions remain about the physics of galaxy clusters, however. Though the hot and cold spots are solid evidence for the impact of magnetic fields on the cooling of the hot gas in galaxy clusters, further experiments are needed to understand exactly what is happening. The group is planning its next round of experiments at NIF later this year.

For the moment, though, they’re happy to have shed light on why the gas in galaxy clusters is still hot even after billions of years.

“It’s a reminder that the universe is full of amazing things,” said Lamb.

Reference: “Strong suppression of heat conduction in a laboratory replica of galaxy-cluster turbulent plasmas” by Jena Meinecke, Petros Tzeferacos, James S. Ross, Archie F. A. Bott, Scott Feister, Hye-Sook Park, Anthony R. Bell, Roger Blandford, Richard L. Berger, Robert Bingham, Alexis Casner, Laura E. Chen, John Foster, Dustin H. Froula, Clement Goyon, Daniel Kalantar, Michel Koenig, Brandon Lahmann, Chikang Li, Yingchao Lu, Charlotte A. J. Palmer, Richard D. Petrasso, Hannah Poole, Bruce Remington, Brian Reville, Adam Reyes, Alexandra Rigby, Dongsu Ryu, George Swadling, Alex Zylstra, Francesco Miniati, Subir Sarkar, Alexander A. Schekochihin, Donald Q. Lamb and Gianluca Gregori, 9 March 2022, Science.
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abj6799

The principal investigator on the experiment was Prof. Gianluca Gregori of Oxford University. Team members also included Oxford’s Prof. Alexander Schekochihin, Princeton’s Archie Bott, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s James Steven Ross.

Funding: U.S. Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration, U.S. Department of Energy, National Science Foundation, European Research Council, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.

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